The University of Kentucky Office of the Vice President for Research will hold an orientation for new faculty Tuesday, November 3, 3:30 – 5:00 pm.  This will include an opportunity to hear about the vision for Research at the University of Kentucky from the Vice President for Research, Lisa Cassis; learn about the Research Support Units that are available to support their research activities; have an opportunity to speak directly with the people in each of these support units and pick up handouts describing the functions and services available in each unit. 


Due to the enthusiastic response to the original invitation sent out a few weeks ago, we have changed the location of this event.  It will now be held in the Lexmark Room on the second floor of Main Building.


We would appreciate your help in ensuring that our invitation reached the faculty in your units who would benefit from this event.  Please forward this email to them and ask that they register their planned attendance at: