University Research Professorships were established by the UK Board of Trustees in 1976 to recognize outstanding research achievements.  The College of Medicine is allocated two nominations for review by the Vice President for Research.  The President makes the final selection and submits the names to the Board of Trustees for approval. It is anticipated that two to five Research Professorships will be awarded each year.

The award amount is $10,000 for one year, to be used to further the research, scholarship, and creative endeavors of the awardee.  A faculty member may be recognized only once; those who have been named a University Research Professor under the previous program are not eligible.  The faculty member receiving this award may use the title “University Research Professor” for as long as s/he remains faculty at the University of Kentucky.

A reception honoring award recipients will take place annually.  In addition, awardees will be announced at an annual Board of Trustees meeting.  Finally, awardees may be given the opportunity to present a short description of their research, scholarship, and creative endeavors to the BOT once over the course of the award year, as well as through other vehicles intended to highlight their research accomplishments. 


  • Full or Associate Professor in any title series
  • At least 30% effort in research activities on the DOE 
  • The appointee must not be on leave status for the year of the award 

Nomination packet

  • Nomination letter from department chair (or designee) summarizing how qualifications of the nominee meet the criteria for excellence (no longer than one page)
  • Full, up-to-date CV 
  • The COM Research Office may request additional materials such as representative samples of the nominee’s work 

Selection Criteria 

  • Track record of extramural grant funding
  • Sustained record as a lead, senior, and/or significant contributing author of publications in high quality, peer-reviewed journals
  • Professional commendations/awards
  • Invited presentations

Submit nomination packets by email to as a single PDF file.  The deadline for receipt of nominations is February 28, 2018.  The Research Leadership Team will review all packets and select the nominees to be referred to the Office of Research.