UK Physiologists Among 2017 FASEB BioArt Winners
FASEB Announces Sixth Annual BioArt Competition Winners
December 12, 2017
FASEB has announced the winning entries in the 2017 BioArt competition: twelve images and three videos that demonstrate the art of life sciences. This year’s winners include members of seven FASEB societies and represent a wide range of biological research, from mercury toxicity to lung disease to hazardous waste storage safety. Winning entries will be exhibited at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD.
These images offer glimpses of the wide range of extraordinary scientific progress being made in labs across the country – and they’re captivatingly beautiful,” said Thomas Baldwin, PhD, FASEB President. “I will never forget the feeling of wonder when I first saw a model of a protein, over 50 years ago.”
Image winners:
- Blood vessel cells in an adult zebrafish brain: Marina Galanternik,* Daniel Castranova, Brant Weinstein,* Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and Tuyet Nguyen, University of Maryland.
- White fat cells in a mouse: Dimitra Pouli, Irene Georgakoudi, Tufts University, Sevasti Karaliota and Katia P. Karalis, Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens.
- Alligator embryo in the early stages of organ development: João Botelho, Daniel Smith, Macarena Faunes, and Bhart-Anjan Bhullar, Yale University and Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History.
- Impact of mercury exposure on red blood cells: Courtney Fleming, Birnur Akkaya, and Umut A. Gurkan, Case Western Reserve University.
- Waxy powder secretions produced by mealybugs: Rebekah Taylor* and Logan Cheshire, Frostburg State University.
- Structure of a virus and its components: Victor Padilla-Sanchez,* The Catholic University of America.
Culture-grown muscle stem cells from a mouse: Kevin A. Murach, Charlotte A. Peterson,* and John J. McCarthy, University of Kentucky.
- Blood vessels in an antelope’s skull: Haley O'Brien,* Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences.
- Ciliated skin cells from a frog embryo: Vanja Stankic* and Rachel K. Miller,* University of Texas McGovern Medical School and MD Anderson Cancer Center.
- Microbes growing on a piece of ancient glass: Bruce W. Arey, Carolyn I. Pearce, Tamas Varga, Micah D. Miller, Michele A. Conroy, Michael J. Schweiger, David Peeler, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Jamie L. Weaver, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Edward Vicenzi, Thomas Lam, Smithsonian Institution's Museum Conservation Institute, John S. McCloy, Washington State University, Rolf Sjoblom, Tekedo AB, Eva Hjarthner-Holdar, Erik Ogenhall, Arkeologerna, and Albert A. Kruger, Department of Energy Office of River Protection.
- Complete nervous system within an arm segment of a brittle star: Olga Zueva, Vladimir Mashanov, University of North Florida, Thomas Heinzeller, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, and Daria Mashanova, Mandarin High School (Jacksonville, FL).
- Live colony of bacteria cells: Scott Chimileski,* Nicholas Lyons, Roberto Kolter, Harvard Medical Schooland Sylvie Laborde, Harvard Museum of Natural History.
Video winners:
- Blood vessel network in a mouse’s lung: Matthew S. Joens, Kel Vin Woo, Daniel J. Geanon, David M. Ornitz,* and James A.J. Fitzpatrick, Washington University School of Medicine.
- First 24 hours of embryo development in nine species: Tessa Montague,* Harvard University and Zuzka Vavrušová,* University of California San Francisco.
- Structural protein in motion: David Oppenheimer,* University of Florida.
*FASEB Society Members
The BioArt competition is open to members of FASEB societies and biomedical and life scientists who receive U.S. federal funding to conduct their research. More information can be found on the BioArt webpage.
Categories: FASEB General Announcements; FASEB Member Societies;