With the recent changes to the PI Reports that are distributed each month by Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA), we’re providing some informational sessions to all faculty and staff interested in understanding & interpreting these reports. It took a bit longer than expected, but we have scheduled several sessions to review the information included in these reports. Our first sessions are as follows:


Wednesday, December 2nd, 9-10:30am, MN263


Thursday, December 3rd, 10-11:30am, BBSRB 202A


Thursday, December 3rd, 1-2:30pm, BBSRB 202A


Friday, December 11th, 1-2:30pm, BBSRB 202A


These sessions will include an overview of the information included in the reports, and how to interpret the information. The presentation will last approximately 45 minutes – 1 hour, but we scheduled each session for 90 minutes to have ample time for any questions and interaction with our SRAS staff members after the presentation. Please distribute this information to all faculty and staff in your departments that may be interested in attending.

If you have questions, please contact Gina Vessels in SRAS.