Responsible Conduct of Research
Responsible Conduct of Research or RCR is, according to an NIH definition, "the practice of scientific investigation with integrity. It involves the awareness and application of established professional norms and ethical principles for all activities related to scientific research." Our Vice President of Research, Lisa Cassis, has mandated that all faculty and students who, in anyway, are involved in research take this training. Similarly, Robert S. DiPaola, MD, Dean of the College of Medicine also has asked faculty and trainees to take this training. RCR training consists of six modules covering important activities in research including:
- Mentoring
- Peer Review (Manuscripts for publication, Conference presentations & Grant applications)
- Research Misconduct
- Conflicts of Interest
- Data management
- Reproducibilty of Research Results
The training can be accessed at the same CITI website which we use to take the Human Subjects Protection (HSP) training to participate in an IRB-approved research study. It is important that this training is completed by the end of December 2020. Once you have taken the training print off your certificate of completion and send it to L Joyce McCown.