NIH is offering a new funding opportunity from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) which may be highly relevant to entrepreneurial researchers at University Of Kentucky.  

In addition to seeking fundamental knowledge, NIH’s mission also includes applying that knowledge from research to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability. To help accomplish this mission, NIDA recently re-issued the “$100,000 for Start a Startup” Challenge.  

The goal of this Challenge is to enable scientists to test the hypothesis that their research idea or fundamental research can be transformed into a biotech startup. Each Challenge winner will receive $10,000 to empower their research-based ideas and develop a minimal viable proof (MVP) of a product. If customers validate the project idea, winners are encouraged to create or further advance their biotech startup no later than 6 months after the prize is awarded. Post Challenge, NIDA staff will provide dedicated assistance and guidance about the NIH grant submission process, including submissions for the SBIR/STTR grants.

Challenge details can be found at: