With the assistance of the UKHC Business Partners, we are pleased to make available a college-level version of the monthly PI Report.  Using the versions of the report that the SRAS receives by CGO and IBU, this is a college-wide report that can be easily filtered by department.  We have posted the report using February data to the College’s Finance SharePoint site (accessible to chairs and DAs; in the Grants Reports folder, see SPA PI Reports folder) and also to the shared IBU FI drive (in the ! WBS Elements folder, see ! SPA REPORTS FOR ALL DEPTS folder, in the current month, file name COMBINED FY16 Xxx Monthly CGO-IBU Report).  We will post this report each month within one business day after we receive the source reports from SPA.

As a reminder – these reports include F&A figures, so be sure to review balances carefully.

If you need any assistance either accessing the reports or using the filters to view the data in which you’re interested, please contact SRAS Post-Award Manager, Gina Vessels, ginavessels@uky.edu, 323-0767.  Regular training on how to read and use these reports will continue to be offered by the SRAS twice a month on the second Thursday of each month at 11am and 1pm. Trainings are scheduled for April 14th and May 12th.  Watch this website for reminders of the upcoming dates in April and May, and room location.