The Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (257-9420), the Proposal Development Office (257-2861), the Office of Research Integrity–IRB & IACUC– (257-9428), and the Survey Research Center (257-4684) will be closed Wednesday, December 25 through Wednesday, January 1 and will reopen on Thursday, January 2, 2014. If you anticipate a need for services provided by any of these offices during this time, please call the appropriate office(s) as soon as possible so that assistance may be provided before the break. Note for Human Research Investigators: If you have received an IRB continuation review reminder, please be sure to check your approval end date and deliver materials to ORI as soon as possible to ensure IRB review and prevent lapse of approval. The last medical IRB meeting in 2013 is December 18th (submission deadline December 2nd) and the last nonmedical IRB meeting is December 13th (submission deadline November 27th). Note for Animal Research Investigators: The last IACUC meeting in 2013 will be held on December the 11th (second Wednesday of the month rather than the third). If you have received an IACUC protocol rewrite, or annual review reminder, please be sure to submit your protocol by the recommended date to ensure IACUC review and prevent lapse of approval.