The Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) took 8 separate circulars applicable to different types of grantee organizations and combined them into a single document referred to as the Uniform Guidance.  Much remains that looks familiar but there is the potential for both major and minor changes to our policies and procedures.    To further complicate matters,  the OMB document is actually guidance to federal agencies and each granting agency must issue its own implementing regulations.  Their implementation plans are due to OMB in June so final versions will likely not be issued until the fall.    Most of the changes in the Uniform Guidance will be applicable to new grants and funding increments issued after December 26, 2014

You are already aware that these regulations dictate what can be charged to federal grants and contracts.  But they also address minimum information for funding announcements, information needed in equipment records, how long to retain records, and a host of other topics.   

A meeting was held July 24, presented jointly by Jennifer Miles, Manager, Sponsored Projects Accounting, and Debbie Davis, Director, Office of Sponsored Projects Administration, to provide an update of the University’s ongoing activities related to these changes.  This same presentation will also be offered July 30, at 2 p.m., in Room 102 of the Mining and Minerals Bldg.  Slides from the meeting are found below.