Clinical Research Coordinator 101


This two-day course will be offered February 17-17, 2015 and is a classroom based training designed for clinical research coordinators, clinical research associates or staff members who function in this capacity.  The multi-session series provides basic information on coordinating clinical trials at the University of Kentucky and is appropriate for entry level positions or those new to the field.  This training is designed as an entry level program and does not provide continuing education credit. 

There will be no fee charged to employees of University of Kentucky but if you do register, we ask that you make yourself available for the duration of the two-day course. 

Register here by Wednesday, February 11, 2015:

Limited space is available. Register early to secure your spot. Registration may close prior to February 13 if no more spots are available.

 Confirmations with class location and additional details will be sent to accepted attendees AFTER the registration deadline.



Monday, February   16, 2015

7:30 a.m.


Morning Session


8:00 - 8:45

Clinical Research Ethics

8:45 - 9:00


9:00 - 10:30

Drug and Device Development

10:35 - 11:35

Budgeting for Clinical Trials

Lunch Break   11:35 - 1:00

Afternoon Session


1:00 - 2:00

Study Initiation

2:10 - 3:25

Human Subject Protection   and the IRB Process

3:30 - 4:45

Informed Consent and Ongoing IRB Review


Tuesday, February   17, 2015

Morning Session


8:15 - 9:45

AEs, SAEs & Unanticipated   Problems: the Lions, Tigers and Bears of Clinical Research

9:50 - 10:50

Good Clinical Practices

11:00 - 11:30

Subject Documentation

Lunch Break 11:30 - 1:00

Afternoon Session


1:00 - 1:50

Participant Retention

2:00 - 2:40

Regulatory Binder: Documentation, Maintenance &   Retention

2:50 - 3:40

Participant Recruitment

3:45 - 4:45

Review, Resources and   Post-Course Quiz


For questions regarding this course or registration, please contact:


Ryan Vicini
Staff Development Manager
Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS)
University of Kentucky
859.323.8545 OFFICE