Biostatistics Consulting for Radiology
Though many of us have a rudimentary understanding of and experience doing statistics no one in Radiology is a card-carrying statistician. Yet the nature of many of our research, education and quality assurance projects requires consulting with a statistician to analyze the data properly. In fact, even before we begin a research project it is advised to consult with a statistician to guide the structure of a study, the format of a survey or the number of subjects to recruit to ensure the results will answer the research question we hope to answer. An arrangement to have access to statistical support for Faculty, Fellows and Residents in the Department of Radiology has expired. The new arrangement for statistics support has been created by the College of Medicine in collaboration with the Institute for Biomedical Informatics. For one of consultations, suitable to help in the formation of a study consider a thirty minute consultation. Faculty, Fellows and Residents seeking more indepth assistance from a statistician should apply for a voucher from the Biostats CIRCL. Feel free to contact the Vice Chair of Research to discuss your research needs.