Career Enhancement Core (CEC)

The charge of the AppalTRuST Career Enhancement Core (CEC) is to create a transformative environment that provides mentored, multidisciplinary, and immersive career enhancement experiences to expand the pool of talented Tobacco Regulatory Science (TRS) scholars, with a critical emphasis on the impact of FDA regulatory policies in rural communities.
The CEC serves as the hub within AppalTRuST to promote and support the career development of new and early-stage investigators through our Scholars program. The CEC provides and connects investigators with immersive research experiences, TRS enrichment activities, mentorship, and professional networking opportunities.
Aim One
Provide hands-on research experience in Tobacco Regulatory Science (TRS).
Aim Two
Deliver personalized mentoring and other career enhancement experiences.
Aim Three
Enable cross TCORS collaboration.
CEC Leaders

Melinda Ickes, PhD
Assistant Dean and Professor
Health Promotion, College of Education

Kristin Ashford, PhD
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Faculty and Interprofessional Education Affairs
Good Samaritan Professor for Community Nursing
College of Nursing