Jennifer Shinn, PhD, CCC-A, F-AAA
(859) 257-3390jennifer.shinn@uky.edu
- Professor
- Chief of Audiology
- Director of Newborn Hearing
College Unit(s)
Biography and Education
Jennifer Shinn, PhD is the Chief of Audiology, Associate Professor and Director of Newborn Hearing at the University of Kentucky Medical Center in the Department of Otolaryngology. Dr. Shinn received her Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut. Dr. Shinn has a broad experience in a variety of areas of audiology with particular emphasis on disorders of the auditory system and neuroaudiology as well as hearing healthcare disparities. She is frequently invited to lecture on various topics related to evaluation and management of auditory processing disorders across the country. She has published numerous peer reviewed articles as well as book chapters in this area. She is also co-author of the book Disorders of the Auditory System. Her presentation record in these areas includes state, national and international meetings.
Undergraduate Education
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Bachelor of Arts (Communication Disorders), 1995 – 1998
Graduate Education
East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
Master of Sciences (Audiology), 1998 – 2000
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Doctor of Philosophy (Communication Sciences), 2001 – 2005
American Academy of Audiology, 2007
American Speech-Language Hearing Association, 2000
Kentucky, 2005
Hospital Privileges
University of Kentucky A.B. Chandler Medical Center
Selected Publications
McCullagh J, Shinn J. (2018) Auditory P300 in Noise in Younger and Older Adult. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology. 29 (10), 909-919.
Trott S, Cline T, Weihing J, Beshear D, Bush M, Shinn J. (2018) Hormones and Hearing. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology. 30(6), 493-501.
Bush M, Taylor Z, Noblitt B, Shackleford T, Gal TJ, Shinn J, Creel LM, Lester C, Westgate P, Jacobs J, Studts C. (2017) Promotion of early pediatric hearing detection through patient navigation: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Laryngoscope. 127 Sup7:S1-S3.
Musiek F, Shinn J, Chermak G, Bamiou D, (2017). Perspective on the Pure Tone Audiogram. JAA. 28:655-671.
Shinn J, Long A, Rayle C, Bush M. (2016). Primary auditory symptoms in patients with normal peripheral hearing sensitivity: Redefining hearing loss. Hearing, Balance and Communication. 2016, 14:44-9.