Delvon T Mattingly, PhD

800 Rose St


  • Assistant Professor

College Unit(s)

Biography and Education


Delvon T. Mattingly is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Behavioral Science and the Center for Health Equity Transformation. He is also a member of the Markey Cancer Center. He is a social epidemiologist with extensive training in tobacco and cannabis regulatory science and control and health equity. His research focuses on investigating psychosocial determinants of disparities in tobacco and cannabis use and associated mental and physical health outcomes. Specifically, he is interested in investigating the role structural racism, and its downstream consequences such as interpersonal discrimination and police violence, plays in determining disparities in tobacco and cannabis use, associated use disorders, and cancer outcomes. Dr. Mattingly has published in high-impact peer-reviewed journals and has presented his research at numerous scientific conferences. He is currently in the process of applying for several federal grants to support his research moving forward.