V. K. Cody Bumgardner, PhD
- Associate Professor
- Director - Pathology Informatics
College Unit(s)
Biography and Education
B.S. in Computer Engineering - University of Kentucky (2009)
PhD in Computer Science - University of Kentucky (2017)
Pathology Informatics, Edge Computing, and Distributed Systems
Selected Publications
Publications and Other Scholarly Work
1 Alcantara, C., Dasari, V., Bumgardner, C., & McGarry, M. P. (2020, April). Evaluating features for network application classification. In Disruptive Technologies in Information Sciences IV (Vol. 11419, p. 114190Q). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
2 Bumgardner, V.K.C, Hickey, C, Seyedtalebi, N. "Agent Communications in Edge Computing", Second International Conference on Industrial Internet (ICII). IEEE, 2019.
3 X. Wu, C. Xu, Y. Luo, C. Bumgardner, G. Ghinita and M. McGarry, "AMIS: Programmable Privacy-Preserving Network Measurement for Analysis and Troubleshooting," 2019 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM), Arlington, VA, USA, 2019, pp. 733-734.
4 Bumgardner, V.K.C, et al. "Edge-enabled Distributed Network Measurement", Second International Workshop on Smart Edge Computing and Networking (SmartEdge'18). IEEE, 2018.
5 Bumgardner, V.K.C, et al. "An Edge-Focused Model for Distributed Streaming Data Applications", International Workshop on Pervasive Flow of Things (PerFoT'18). IEEE, 2018.
6 Bumgardner, V. K. Cody, Victor W. Marek, and Ray L. Hyatt. "Collating time-series resource data for system-wide job profiling." Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 2016 IEEE/IFIP. IEEE, 2016.
7 Bumgardner, V. K. Cody, et al. "Constellation: A secure self-optimizing framework for genomic processing." e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), 2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on. IEEE, 2016.
8 Bumgardner, V. K. Cody, Victor W. Marek, and Caylin D. Hickey. "Cresco: A distributed agent-based edge computing framework." Network and Service Management (CNSM), 2016 12th International Conference on. IEEE, 2016.
9 Bumgardner, V.K.C, and Victor W. Marek. "Scalable hybrid stream and Hadoop network analysis system." Proceedings of the 5th ACM/SPEC international conference on Performance engineering. ACM, 2014.
10 Mueller, T., Neelakantan, S., Rienzi, E., Mijatovic, B., Castrignano, A., Pike, A., Bumgardner, V.K.C. 2012. Cloud Computing, Web-Based GIS, Terrain Analysis, Data Fusion, and Multivariate Statistics for Precision Conservation in the 21st Century.
11 Neelakantan S., Mueller T, Lee B, Finnell P, Bumgardner V. K.C., and D. Carey. 2011. Web 2.0 spatial data browser for visualizing land-use assessment information from soil surveys. J. of Soil and Water Conservation and Management. 66:37A-39A
12 Gandsas, A, Mclntire K, Montgomery K, Bumgardner V, and Rice, L. “The personal digital assistant (PDA) as a tool for telementoring endoscopic procedures.” Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 12: Building a Better You: The Next Tools for Medical Education, Diagnosis, and Care 98 (2004): 99.
Book and Book Chapters
1 Bumgardner, Vernon, Hickey, Caylin. Making Sense of Edge Computing. New York: Manning, 2020. Pre-Print
2 Bumgardner, Vernon. Open Stack in Action. NewYork: Manning, 2016. Print
3 Bumgardner, V.K.C, and Victor W. Marek, Educational Applications of Cloud, Book Chapter Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing, Wiley-IEEE Publication, 2016, Print.