University of Kentucky researcher Bradley Taylor recently received a five-year, $3 million research grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to better understand the physiological mechanisms of chronic pain. For many patients recovering from an injury, pain disappears after the injury heals, but for others, pain persists for months, years or even decades.
UK HealthCare's Kentucky Neuroscience Institute (KNI) has been re-designated a Comprehensive Stroke Center (CSC) by The Joint Commission (TJC) and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. UK HealthCare was first designated a CSC in 2014. It is one of 96 U.S. institutions — and the only one in Lexington — with CSC-designation.
Shriners Hospitals for Children and UK Healthcare celebrated an important milestone in the construction of the $47 million Shriners Hospitals for Children Medical Center (SHCMC) on Tuesday — the “topping out” of the new building. Construction began March 9, 2015, on the five-story medical center located at the corner of Conn Terrace and South Limestone, on the UK HealthCare campus across from the University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler Hospital. “Topping out” is the construction term used to indicate that the final steel beam is being placed on the building.
UK HealthCare's Kentucky Neuroscience Institute (KNI) has been re-designated a Comprehensive Stroke Center (CSC) by The Joint Commission (TJC) and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. UK HealthCare was first designated a CSC in 2014. It is one of 96 U.S. institutions — and the only one in Lexington — with CSC-designation.
The University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Foundation is pleased to announce the hiring of Michael Delzotti, CFRE, CSPG, as new president and chief executive officer. Delzotti will begin his new role in early December. The UK Markey Cancer Foundation serves as the fundraising arm for the UK Markey Cancer Center, the only National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center serving Kentucky and the surrounding Appalachian area.
Dozens of neurologists, other medical professionals and researchers gathered at the University of Kentucky Nov. 25 to hear the words of Dr. Walter Koroshetz, director of the National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke of the National Institutes of Health. In his first year as director, Koroshetz has made it a point to travel around the U.S.
Darrell Raikes waved sleepily to his wife as they wheeled him down to the operating room for a routine knee replacement last May. He woke up in the Critical Care Unit four weeks later. Darrel had an adverse reaction to his anesthesia and began bleeding into his lungs post-operatively. Dr.

Plants put up a natural defense system against bacteria and disease through bioactive chemical constituents called flavonoids.

While humans have turned to plants and herbs for medicinal purposes throughout history, researchers are now learning how to harness the chemopreventive properties of flavonoids to prevent human disease. Medical research suggests flavonoids can prevent the development of steroid-responsive cancers, but not all flavonoids serve the same beneficial function.

The National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke (NINDS) has awarded a five-year, $1.6 million grant to John C. Gensel, Ph.D., of the University of Kentucky Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center (SCoBIRC), to study the potential role of the immune system in repairing spinal cord injuries. Spinal cord injuries can result in permanent paralysis. Macrophages, white blood cells involved in immune responses, migrate to wounded areas of the spinal cord following an injury, where they assume M1 (i.e. pro-inflammatory) or M2 (i.e. pro-tissue repair) functions.
Many people think there's never been a darker time for Alzheimer's disease (AD). There's no cure, they point out. The field is littered with treatment failures; the last time the FDA approved a drug to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease was 2003. Dr. Ronald Petersen is adamant that this is wrong-headed thinking.
In the state with the highest incidence and mortality rates of lung cancer, a collaborative project is taking a multipronged approach to address the continuum of the disease, from prevention to screening to survivorship care. The Kentucky LEADS (Lung cancer. Education. Awareness. Detection. Survivorship) Collaborative, a joint effort of the University of Kentucky, University of Louisville and Lung Cancer Alliance, today announces details of three new statewide programs to reduce the burden of lung cancer in the Commonwealth.

Analia Loria, assistant professor of pharmacology and nutritional sciences at the University of Kentucky, will be a featured presenter at the First Physiology and Gender Conference organized by the American Physiological Society this week.

Dr. Barbara Phillips, professor of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Kentucky, was elected the 78th president of The American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) effective Nov. 1, 2015. Phillips previously served as president-elect in 2014. In 1982, she became an active member of CHEST, and in 1983 advanced to Fellow. She served as editor of CHEST SEEK Sleep Medicine, working on the second, third and fourth editions. Phillips also served as Regent-at-Large for the American College of Chest Physicians for eight years.

Two women, seated at a table, told their stories in quiet tones.  A group of chefs, some standing, others seated, leaned forward eagerly, clearly interested in what these two women had to say. They peppered the women with questions: did food taste better cold or hot?  Was texture an issue? Did a glass of wine before dinner help or hurt the flavor experience?

Many physicians enjoy a round of golf as a relaxing retreat from the vigor's of a busy medical practice, but Dr. Anthony Weaver instead heads to the broadcast station of WMKY radio in Morehead where he and co-host Rick Phillips, manager of communications infrastructure at UK, co-host Health Matters, a medical news show that recently aired the 600th show since it first debuted in 2003. "It's my golf," said Weaver, a general internist and associate dean of the Rural Physician Leadership Program at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine based at a satellite campus in Morehead.
Two University of Kentucky researchers will present evidence supporting a promising new therapy for Parkinson’s disease as part of a showcase of scientific research and innovation during the Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) Parkinson’s Disease Therapeutics Conference. University of Kentucky College of Medicine professor Greg Gerhardt and associate professor Richard Grondin will today present “Therapeutic Development of siRNA Targeting Alpha-Synuclein” during the MJFF Parkinson’s Disease Therapeutics Conference in New York.
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) has awarded Joe Abisambra, Ph.D., of the University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging a five-year, $1.6 million grant to study a group of diseases called tauopathies. Tauopathies are a group of more than 20 neurodegenerative disorders that affect nearly eight million Americans. These disorders all share one common characteristic: deposition of a protein called "tau" into sticky bundles inside brain cells.

 LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 22, 2015) —Further underscoring the commitment to create the best possible academic experience for students, University of Kentucky President Eli Capilouto Thursday announced the single largest gift in UK's history — $23 million to create one of the country's leading Honors programs.

Dr. Dennis E. Doherty, professor of medicine at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, was recently awarded the 2015 Ohio State College of Medicine Academic Achievement Award. Doherty graduated from OSU College of Medicine in 1980. After completing his residency in Internal Medicine and Ohio State, Doherty entered the Pulmonary and Critical Care fellowship at the University of Colorado and National Jewish Health Medical Centers in Denver. Dr.

A team from the University of Kentucky's Neurosurgery Residency Program was recently named the winner of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) Academic Challenge Competition. Dr. Steve Grupke and Dr. Farhan Mirza were the two residents who competed in the game show style competition that took place at the 2015 CNS Annual Meeting in New Orleans, La. They competed among teams from 105 Neurosurgery programs in North America and one from New Delhi, India.