Visit of Editors of Radiology and Radiographics
On Friday, September 18th, 2020, the Department of Radiology hosted David A. Bluemke, MD, PhD and Jeffrey S. Klein, MD, the editors of Radiology and Radiographics respectively. Drs. Bluemke and Klein came to our department, via zoom, as part of the RSNA visiting editors program. Originally they were to visit us in March just at the start of travel restrictions imposed by the surging COVID-19 epidemic and their visit was cancelled. RSNA rescheduled their appearance and to September 18th and the editors spoke, via zoom, to the Faculty, Fellows and Residents about their respective journals and how UK Radiologofy faculty and trainees can participate more in the submission and the review of articles.
Above, screen shots of Dr. Klein (left) and Dr. Bluemke (right) during their RSNA presentation. Radiology (impact factor = 7.93) and Radiographics (impact factor = 4.97) are among the premier journals in our field and it was a great honor to have these editors with us.
During their presentation the editors spoke about several topics including:
- How to critically review a manuscript
- International reporting guidelines and why we use them
- Ethics of publications
- RadioGraphics features- print and online
- RadioGraphics : Opportunities for engagement (include panel review, peer review, authorship and editorial board membership
- Getting to the truth: Challenges for editors, reviewers and readers of biomedical research
A copy of the presentation is available for viewing on SharePoint.