This year’s Cardiovascular Research Day welcomes four trainee presentations from across several areas of the university. Two blocks of trainee presentations will highlight unique studies into cardiovascular research.

Morning Trainee Presentations at 10:15 am

Hsuan Peng | Graduate Student | Abdel-Latif Lab | Saha Cardiovascular Research Center

Polymer Enhance Mesenchymal Stem Cell Retention in the Heart after Transplantation: Potential Therapeutic Applications

Dylan Colli | Undergraduate | Kekenes-Huskey Lab | Department of Chemistry

A Matched-filter Based Algorithm for Subcellular Classification of T-system in Cardiac Tissues

Afternoon Trainee Presentations at 3:15 pm

Yasir Alsiraj, Ph.D.  | Fellow | Cassis Lab | Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences

Inhibition of Neprilysin Attenuates AngII-induced Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAAs) in Hypercholesterolemic Male Mice

Oluwabukola Omotola
| Graduate Student | Pendergast Lab | Department of Biology

Hypercholesterolemia-induced Endothelial Dysfunction is Rescued by Overexpression of Endothelial Kir2.1 in Resistance Arteries

Check out the full schedule of the day here to learn more about the day's events. 
