As you may know, the College of Medicine’s Sponsored Research Administrative Services (SRAS) office is participating in two pilots of new grant-related platforms. 

Upgraded Electronic Internal Approval Form (eIAF) System: This new upgraded eIAF has a similar certification process to the previous eIAF in that it is through myUK Workflow.  For questions or certification assistance, please contact your Grants Proposal Specialist (GPS) in SRAS at:

The Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA) also has updated instructions for certifying in the new system.  They are available on the OSPA website at:

More information about the new eIAF’s improvements and upcoming training sessions can be found in the document at the bottom of the page.

Cayuse 424: In addition, OSPA announced last week a new software system, Cayuse 424, that will make it easier to create fully developed, compliant and accurate proposals for submission to federal and non-federal sponsors.  The College of Medicine will be piloting this new system with a few select departments, with eventual rollout to all units.  The SRAS GPSs will play a vital role in your interactions with this new system.  More information can be found at this link:  This link includes upcoming training session dates.  Please contact your GPS directly to alert him or her of your plans to attend a training session.