COCVD Pilot Grant Funding Opportunity
The NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) on Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases, in collaboration with the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (CCTS) announce the availability of limited funds to support pilot projects focused on research examining obesity-associated diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, others). These pilot grants are intended to assist investigators new to this area of research to generate sufficient data to be competitive for extramural funding.
Funding Amount:
Individual project awards, up to $50,000 in direct costs only will be made on a competitive basis which must be spent over 12 months.
Eligibility is limited to full-time regular, special and clinical title faculty as well as full time research faculty of the University of Kentucky. Junior faculty members are especially encouraged to apply.
Investigators in training including residents, post-doctoral fellows, and clinical fellows are not eligible to serve as PIs but may be co-investigators.
Timeline: Application due October 15, 2017 by 5:00 pm.
To submit an application, please provide: (1) NIH format bio sketch with other support, (2) Abstract (1 page), (3) Research Proposal (6 pages) and NIH budget form with justification. The Research Proposal should follow standard NIH format, with specific aims, background/significance, preliminary data, and experimental approach.
Applicants do not need IRB or IACUC approvals to submit a pilot grant application, but will need approval before funding.
Submit your Full Application to, COBRE Program Administrative Coordinator. Please note that this is a one-step process.
See the COCVD website: for a description of the overall program as well as additional details to assist you in developing and submitting your proposal.
For questions, please contact Mark Schwarcz at 218-1390.