Thomas Kelly
(859) 323-5206thkelly@uky.edu
- Department Chair
College Unit(s)
Biography and Education
Dr. Thomas Kelly is the Robert Straus Professor and Chair of the Department of Behavioral Science in the College of Medicine; Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology and Nursing, and a faculty affiliate of the Center for Drug Abuse Research. He serves as Associate Dean for Research in the College of Nursing and Director of Research Education, Training and Career Development for the Center for Clinical and Translational Science. During the previous six years, he served in multiple educational roles, including mentoring and teaching in medical and graduate courses and supporting the certificate, MS and PhD programs in Clinical and Translational Science. His service activities at the Department level have included two years as interim chair and participation on the admissions, curriculum and DEI committees. Local service has included participation on search committees (e.g., Associate Dean for Research, College of Health Sciences, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs), Subcommittee Chair for LCME Standards 1 & 2 in preparation for College of Medicine LCME re-accreditation, and as a member of the College of Medicine Regional Campus Expansion Joint Implementation Committee. Nationally, his service activities include peer review for NIH and multiple journals. Dr. Kelly is a clinical behavioral pharmacologist examining drug-behavior interactions and assessing bio-behavioral factors associated with individual differences in drug abuse vulnerability. His research combines clinical pharmacological and neuroimaging methodologies to examine neurobiologically based personality dimensions on vulnerability to drug abuse. He is currently a multi-PI of the KL2 Career Development Program for the NCATS-funded CCTS and is co-I on UL1 CCTS and is a faculty mentor on several institutional training grants.
University of Minnesota, 1983