Profile picture for user sjfi230

Simon Fisher, MD, PhD


Healthy KY Research Bldg RM233


  • Professor
  • Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine
  • Deputy Director, Barnstable Brown Diabetes Center
  • Chief, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

College Unit(s)

Other Affiliation(s)
  • Internal Medicine - Endocrinology
  • Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences - Joint Faculty

Biography and Education


University of Toronto, Canada MD, PhD 6/1997 Medicine Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School Residency 6/2000 Internal Medicine Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School Fellowship 6/2003 Endocrinology

Selected Publications

1. Yamatani K, Shi ZQ, Giacca A, Gupta R, Fisher S, Lickley HL, Vranic M (1992). Role of FFA-glucose cycle in glucoregulation during exercise in total absence of insulin. Am J Physiol, 263(4 Pt 1), E646-53. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 2. Giacca A, Fisher SJ, Shi ZQ, Gupta R, Lickley HL, Vranic M (1992). Importance of peripheral insulin levels for insulin-induced suppression of glucose production in depancreatized dogs. J Clin Invest, 90(5), 1769-77. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 3. Shi ZQ, Giacca A, Yamatani K, Fisher SJ, Lickley HL, Vranic M (1993). Effects of subbasal insulin infusion on resting and exercise-induced glucose turnover in depancreatized dogs. Am J Physiol, 264(3 Pt 1), E334-41. [Pub Med Link] 4. Giacca A, Fisher SJ, Shi ZQ, Gupta R, Lickley HL, Skottner A, Anderson GH, Efendic S, Vranic M (1994). Insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin have no differential effects on glucose production and utilization under conditions of hyperglycemia. Endocrinology, 134(5), 2251-8. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 5. Sigal RJ, Purdon C, Fisher SJ, Halter JB, Vranic M, Marliss EB (1994). Hyperinsulinemia prevents prolonged hyperglycemia after intense exercise in insulin-dependent diabetic subjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 79(4), 1049-57. [PubMed Link] [Full text] 6. Shi ZQ, Giacca A, Fisher S, Vidal H, van de Werve G, Vranic M (1994). Importance of substrate changes in the decrease of hepatic glucose cycling during insulin infusion and declining glycemia in the depancreatized dog. Diabetes, 43(11), 1284-90. [PubMed Link] 7. Sigal RJ, Fisher S, Halter JB, Vranic M, Marliss EB (1996). The roles of catecholamines in glucoregulation in intense exercise as defined by the islet cell clamp technique. Diabetes, 45(2), 148-56. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 8. Fisher SJ, Shi ZQ, Lickley HL, Efendic S, Vranic M, Giacca A (1996). A moderate decline in specific activity does not lead to an underestimation of hepatic glucose production during a glucose clamp. Metabolism, 45(5), 587-93. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 9. Shilyansky J, Fisher S, Cutz E, Perlman K, Filler RM (1997). Is 95% pancreatectomy the procedure of choice for treatment of persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of the neonate? J Pediatr Surg, 32(2), 342-6. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 10. Giacca A, Fisher SJ, McCall RH, Shi ZQ, Vranic M (1997). Direct and indirect effects of insulin in suppressing glucose production in depancreatized dogs: role of glucagon. Endocrinology, 138(3), 999-1007. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 11. Fisher SJ, Lekas M, Shi ZQ, Bilinski D, Carvalho G, Giacca A, Vranic M (1997). Insulin-independent acute restoration of euglycemia normalizes the impaired glucose clearance during exercise in diabetic dogs. Diabetes, 46(11), 1805-12. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 12. Manzon A, Fisher SJ, Morais JA, Lipscombe L, Guimond MC, Nessim SJ, Sigal RJ, Halter JB, Vranic M, Marliss EB (1998). Glucose infusion partially attenuates glucose production and increases uptake during intense exercise. J Appl Physiol, 85(2), 511-24. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 13. Lekas MC, Fisher SJ, El-Bahrani B, van Delangeryt M, Vranic M, Shi ZQ (1999). Glucose uptake during centrally induced stress is insulin independent and enhanced by adrenergic blockade. J Appl Physiol, 87(2), 722-31. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 14. Sigal RJ, Fisher SJ, Halter JB, Vranic M, Marliss EB (1999). Glucoregulation during and after intense exercise: effects of beta-adrenergic blockade in subjects with type 1 diabetes mellitus. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 84(11), 3961-71. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 15. Sigal RJ, Fisher SJ, Manzon A, Morais JA, Halter JB, Vranic M, Marliss EB (2000). Glucoregulation during and after intense exercise: effects of alpha-adrenergic blockade. Metabolism, 49(3), 386-94. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 16. Kreisman SH, Manzon A, Nessim SJ, Morais JA, Gougeon R, Fisher SJ, Vranic M, Marliss EB (2000). Glucoregulatory responses to intense exercise performed in the postprandial state. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 278(5), E786-93. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 17. Fisher SJ, Shi ZQ, Lickley HL, Efendic S, Vranic M, Giacca A (2001). Low-dose IGF-I has no selective advantage over insulin in regulating glucose metabolism in hyperglycemic depancreatized dogs. J Endocrinol, 168(1), 49-58. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 18. Fisher SJ, Kahn CR (2003). Insulin signaling is required for insulin's direct and indirect action on hepatic glucose production. J Clin Invest, 111(4), 463-8. [Full Text] 19. Vicent D, Ilany J, Kondo T, Naruse K, Fisher SJ, Kisanuki YY, Bursell S, Yanagisawa M, King GL, Kahn CR (2003). The role of endothelial insulin signaling in the regulation of vascular tone and insulin resistance. J Clin Invest, 111(9), 1373-80. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 20. Norris AW, Chen L, Fisher SJ, Szanto I, Ristow M, Jozsi AC, Hirshman MF, Rosen ED, Goodyear LJ, Gonzalez FJ, Spiegelman BM, Kahn CR (2003). Muscle-specific PPARgamma-deficient mice develop increased adiposity and insulin resistance but respond to thiazolidinediones. J Clin Invest, 112(4), 608-18. [Full Text] 21. Chen D, Mauvais-Jarvis F, Bluher M, Fisher SJ, Jozsi A, Goodyear LJ, Ueki K, Kahn CR (2004). p50alpha/p55alpha phosphoinositide 3-kinase knockout mice exhibit enhanced insulin sensitivity. Mol Cell Biol, 24(1), 320-9. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 22. Jimenez-Chillaron JC, Hernandez-Valencia M, Reamer C, Fisher S, Joszi A, Hirshman M, Oge A, Walrond S, Przybyla R, Boozer C, Goodyear LJ, Patti ME (2005). Beta-cell secretory dysfunction in the pathogenesis of low birth weight-associated diabetes: a murine model. Diabetes, 54(3), 702-11. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 23. Fisher SJ, Bruning JC, Lannon S, Kahn CR (2005). Insulin signaling in the central nervous system is critical for the normal sympathoadrenal response to hypoglycemia. Diabetes, 54(5), 1447-51. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 24. Ishihara KK, Haywood SC, Daphna-Iken D, Puente EC, Fisher SJ (2009). Brain insulin infusion does not augment the counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia or glucoprivation. Metabolism, 58(6), 812-20. [PubMed Link] 25. Bree AJ, Puente EC, Daphna-Iken D, Fisher SJ (2009). Diabetes increases brain damage caused by severe hypoglycemia. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 297(1), E194-201. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 26. Haywood SC, Bree AJ, Puente EC, Daphna-Iken D, Fisher SJ (2009). Central but not systemic lipid infusion augments the counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 297(1), E50-6. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 27. Brubaker PL, Cherrington AD, Finegood DT, Fisher SJ, Giacca A, Marette A, Riddell MC, Wasserman D (2010). Proceedings of a symposium to honour Mladen Vranic for a lifetime of scientific achievements and mentoring. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 34(3), 186-202. 28. Puente EC, Silverstein J, Bree AJ, Musikantow DR, Wozniak DF, Maloney S, Daphna-Iken D, Fisher SJ (2010). Recurrent moderate hypoglycemia ameliorates brain damage and cognitive dysfunction induced by severe hypoglycemia. Diabetes, 59(4), 1055-62. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 29. Wice BM, Wang S, Crimmins DL, Diggs-Andrews KA, Althage MC, Ford EL, Tran H, Ohlendorf M, Griest TA, Wang Q, Fisher SJ, Ladenson JH, Polonsky KS (2010). Xenin-25 potentiates glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide action via a novel cholinergic relay mechanism. J Biol Chem, 285(26), 19842-53. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 30. Diggs-Andrews KA, Zhang X, Song Z, Daphna-Iken D, Routh VH, Fisher SJ (2010). Brain insulin action regulates hypothalamic glucose sensing and the counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia. Diabetes, 59(9), 2271-80. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 31. Fisher SJ (2011). Commentary. Clin Chem, 57(2), 157. [PubMed Link] 32. Scherer T, OHare J, Diggs-Andrews K, Schweiger M, Cheng B, Lindtner C, Zielinski E, Vempati P, Su K, Dighe S, Milsom T, Puchowicz M, Scheja L, Zechner R, Fisher SJ, Previs SF, Buettner C (2011). Brain insulin controls adipose tissue lipolysis and lipogenesis. Cell Metab, 13(2), 183-94. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 33. Zhou Y, Lee J, Reno CM, Sun C, Park SW, Chung J, Lee J, Fisher SJ, White MF, Biddinger SB, Ozcan U (2011). Regulation of glucose homeostasis through a XBP-1-FoxO1 interaction. Nat Med, 17(3), 356-65. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 34. Silverstein JM, Musikantow D, Puente EC, Daphna-Iken D, Bree AJ, Fisher SJ (2011). Pharmacologic amelioration of severe hypoglycemia-induced neuronal damage. Neurosci Lett, 492(1), 23-8. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 35. Purcell SH, Aerni-Flessner LB, Willcockson AR, Diggs-Andrews KA, Fisher SJ, Moley KH (2011). Improved insulin sensitivity by GLUT12 overexpression in mice. Diabetes, 60(5), 1478-82. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 36. Bao S, Oiknine R, Fisher SJ. Differentiating nonthyroidal illness syndrome from central hypothyroidism in the acutely ill hospitalized patient. Endocrine. 2012 Dec;42(3):758-60. [PubMed Link] [Full Text[ 37. Bao SS, Fisher SJ. Repairing a “broken heart’ with hormone replacement therapy: case report of cardiogenic shock due to undiagnosed pituitary insufficiency. Endocr Pract. 2012 Mar-Apr;18(2):e26-31. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 38. Litvin M, Clark AL, Fisher SJ (2013). Recurrent hypoglycemia: boosting the brain's metabolic flexibility. J Clin Invest, 123(5), 1922-4. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 39. Reno CM, Tanoli T, Bree A, Daphna-Iken D, Cui C, Maloney SE, Wozniak DF, Fisher SJ (2013). Antecedent glycemic control reduces severe hypoglycemia-induced neuronal damage in diabetic rats. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 304(12), E1331-7. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 40. Reno CM, Daphna-Iken D, Chen YS, VanderWeele J, Jethi K, Fisher SJ (2013). Severe hypoglycemia-induced lethal cardiac arrhythmias are mediated by sympathoadrenal activation. Diabetes, 62(10), 3570-81. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 41. McGill JB, Vlajnic A, Knutsen PG, Recklein C, Rimler M, Fisher SJ (2013). Effect of gender on treatment outcomes in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 102(3), 167-74. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 42. Clark AL, Best CJ, Fisher SJ (2014). Even silent hypoglycemia induces cardiac arrhythmias. Diabetes. May;63(5):1457-9. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 43. Reno CM, Puente EC, Sheng Z, Daphna-Iken D, Bree AJ, Routh VH, Kahn BB, Fisher SJ (2017). Brain GLUT4 knockout mice have impaired glucose tolerance, decreased insulin sensitivity, and impaired hypoglycemic counterregulation. Diabetes, 66(3):587-597. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 44. Reno CM, VanderWeele J, Bayles J, Litvin M, Skinner A, Daphna-Iken D, Fisher SJ (2017). Severe hypoglycemia-induced cardiac arrhythmias are augmented by diabetes and attenuated by recurrent hypoglycemia. Diabetes 66(12):3091-97. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 45. Fisher SJ, Huang X, Pawaskar M, Witt EA, Rajpathak S, Shankar RR, Inzucchi SE (2018). Hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes: Understanding patients’ and physicians’ knowledge and experience –Endocrine 60(3):435-444. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 46. Reno CM, Skinner A, Bayles J, Chen Y, Daphna-Iken D, Fisher SJ (2018). Severe hypoglycemia-induced sudden death is mediated by both cardiac arrhythmias and seizures - AJP Endocrinology and Metabolism 315(2):E240-E249. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 47. Jackson DA, Michael T, Vieira de Abreu A, Agarwal R, Bortolato M, Fisher SJ (2018). Prevention of severe hypoglycemia-induced brain damage and cognitive impairment with verapamil. Diabetes 67(10):2107-2112. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 48. Reno CM, Skinner A, Bayles J, Fisher SJ (2018). Glibenclamide prevents hypoglycemia-induced fatal cardiac arrhythmias in rats. Endocrinology 159(7):2614-2620. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 49. Agrawal R, Vieira-de-Abreu A, Durupt G, Taylor C, Chan O, Fisher SJ (2018). Insulin regulates GLUT4 in the ventromedial hypothalamus to restore the sympathoadrenal response to hypoglycemia in diabetic rats. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 315: E1286–E1295. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 50. Farhat R, Su G, Sejling A-S, Knight N, Fisher SJ, Chan O (2019). Carvedilol prevents counterregulatory failure and impaired hypoglycaemia awareness in Sprague-Dawley rats. Diabetologia 62(4):676-686. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 51. Zhao P, Wang P, Dong S, Zhou Z, Cao Y, Yagita H, He X, Zhen SG, Fisher SJ, Fujinami RS, Chen M. (2019) Depletion of PD-1-positive cells ameliorates autoimmune disease - Nature Biomedical Engineering 3:292-305. [PubMed Link] [Full Text[ 52. Lin Y-K, Hung M, Sharma A, Chan O, Varner MW, Staskus G, Fisher SJ. (2019) Impaired awareness of hypoglycemia continues to be a risk factor for severe hypoglycemia despite the use of continuous glucose monitoring system in Type 1 diabetes. Endocrine Practice 25(6):517-525. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 53. Reno CM, Bayles J, Huang Y, Oxspring M, Hirahara AH, Dosdall DJ, Fisher SJ. (2019) Severe hypoglycemia induced fatal cardiac arrhythmias are mediated by the parasympathetic nervous system in rats. Diabetes 68(11):2107-2119. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 54. Agrawal R, Durupt G, Verma D, Montgomery M, Vieira-de-Abreu A, Taylor C, Swaminathan S, Fisher SJ. (2019) MicroRNA-7a overexpression in VMH restores the sympathoadrenal response to hypoglycemia. JCI insight. 4(20):e130521. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 55. Qiu Y, Agrawal R, Chen D, Zheng N, Durupt G, Kim JH, Fisher SJ, Chou D.H-C. Long-lasting designer insulin with glucose-dependent solubility markedly reduces risk of hypoglycemia. (2019) Adv Therap 2(11), 1900128. 56. Lin YK, Groat D, Chan O, Hung M, Sharma A, Varner MW, Gouripeddi R, Facelli JC, Fisher SJ. (2020) Alarm settings of continuous glucose monitoring systems and associations to glucose outcomes in Type 1 diabetes. J Endo Society Jan 1; 4(1). [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 57. Xiong X, Menting JG, Disotuar MM, Smith NA, Delanie C, Ghabash G, Maikawa CL, Appel EA, Agrawal R, Wang X, He X, Fisher SJ, MacRaild CA, Norton RS, Gajewiak J, Forbes BE, Smith BJ, Safavi-Hemami H, Olivera B, Lawrence MC, Chou DH-C. (2020) A structurally minimized insulin based on cone-snail venom insulin principles. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology July 27(7):615–624. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 58. Holsti M, Clark E, Fisher S, Hawkins S, Keenan H, Just S, Lee J, Napia E, Rodríguez JE, Taylor F, White R, Willie S, Byington CL.(2020) Lessons Learned from the First Decade of The Native American Summer Research Internship at the University of Utah. Acad Medicine – Apr 1;96(4):522-528. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 59. Ose D, Viskochil R, Holowatyj AN, Larson M, Wilson D, Dunson WA, Deshmukh V, Butcher, JR, Taylor BR, Syoboda K, Leiser J, Tingey B, Haaland B, Wetter D, Fisher SJ, Hashibe M, Ulrich C. (2021) Understanding the Prevalence of Prediabetes and Diabetes in Patients With Cancer in Clinical Practice: A Real-World Cohort Study. J Nat Compr Cancer Network – Mar 10;19(6):709-718. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 60. Lin YK, Groat D, Chan O, Hung M, Sharma A, Varner MW, Gouripeddi R, Facelli JC, Fisher SJ (2020). Associations between the Time in Hypoglycemia and Hypoglycemia Awareness Status in Type 1 Diabetes Patients Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems. Diabetes Technol Ther 2020;10.1089. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 61. Lin YK, Fisher SJ, Pop-Busui R. (2020) Hypoglycemia unawareness and autonomic dysfunction in diabetes: Lessons learned and rolls of diabetes technologies. J Diabetes Investig. 2020 Nov;11(6):1388-1402. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 62. Xiong X, Menting JG, Disotuar MM, Smith NA, Delaine CA, Ghabash G, Agrawal R, Wang X, He X, Fisher SJ, MacRaild CA, Norton RS, Gajewiak J, Forbes BE, Smith BJ, Safavi-Hemami H, Olivera B, Lawrence MC, Chou DH. Author Correction: A structurally minimized yet fully active insulin based on cone-snail venom insulin principles. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2020 Jul;27(7):683. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 63. Farhat R, Su G, Sejling AS, Knight N, Fisher SJ, Chan o. Carvedilol prevents counterregulatory failure and impaired hypoglycaemia awareness in non-diabetic recurrently hypoglycaemic rats. Diabetologia. 2019 Apr;62(4): 676-686. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 64. Clark AL, Best CJ, Fisher SJ. Even silent hypoglycemia induces cardiac arrhythmias. Diabetes. 2014 May;63(5):1457-9. [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 65. Agrawal R, Reno CM, Sharma S, Christensen C, Huang Y, Fisher SJ. Insulin action in the brain regulates both central and peripheral functions. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2021 Jul 1;321(1):E156-E163. (available on 2022-07-01) [PubMed Link] [Full Text] 66. Lin YK, Chan O, Fisher SJ. RE: RE: Impaired awareness of hypoglycemia Continues to be a Risk Factor for Severe Hypoglycemia Despite the use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring System in Type 1 Diabetes. Endocr Pract. 2019 Oct;25(10):1080-1081. [PubMed Link] [Full Text]