Ok-Kyong Park-Sarge, PhD
(859) 323-6067okps@email.uky.edu
- Associate Professor
College Unit(s)
Biography and Education
Ph.D. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1989
The long-term goal of my research is to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which steroid hormones modulate gonadal and by which environmental insults bring about reproductive toxicity. Ongoing studies are focused on determining the expression, regulation, signal transduction, and functional roles of the estrogen receptors (ERa and ERb) and progesterone receptors (PRA and PRB) in the ovary. In addition, we are engaged in collaboration with Dr. Kevin Sarge in the Department of Biochemistry to investigate the potential roles of heat-shock transcription factors HSF1 and HSF2 in meiosis of germ cells.
Selected Publications
Xing H, Mayhew CN, Cullen KE, Park-Sarge OK, Sarge KD HSF1 modulation of hsp70 mRNA polyadenylation via interaction with Symplekin, (Submitted).
Cao J, Wood M, Liu Y, Park-Sarge OK, Vore M E2 represses PRL-induced expression of Ntcp through Interaction of ERa and Stat5a in liver cells, (Submitted) .
Gothard LQ, Park-Sarge OK, and Sarge KD Lowered Temperature Set-Point for Activation of the Cellular Stress Response in T-Lymphocytes. J Biol Chem 278:9322-6, 2003.
Hilgarth RS, Hong Y, Park-Sarge OK, Sarge KD Insights into the regulation of heat shock transcription factor 1 SUMO-1 modification. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 303:196-200, 2003.
Frasor J, KyungSoo Park, Byers MJ, Kitamura T, Telleria C, Yu-Lee L-Y, Park-Sarge OK, Gibori G Differential roles for Stat5a and Stat5b in prolactin stimulation of estrogen receptor alpha and beta transcription. Mol Endocrinol 2172-81, 2001.