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Melissa Clarkson


Multidisciplinary Science Building, room 230C


  • Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics

Biography and Education




  • PhD in Biomedical and Health Informatics / Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education / University of Washington
  • Master of Design in Communication Planning and Information Design / School of Design + Department of English / Carnegie Mellon University
  • MA in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology / Department of Molecular Biosciences / University of Kansas
  • BS in Biochemistry, BS in Microbiology / Department of Biochemistry + Department of Biology / Kansas State University


Melissa Clarkson works at the intersection of informatics, design, and life sciences. Her research centers on representation of anatomy, with an emphasis on bringing visual communication into the fields of knowledge representation and biomedical informatics. She leads Endless Forms Studio, a team which develops resources which represent anatomical knowledge by integrating visual and semantic information. For example, libraries of anatomical graphics are augmented with computer-readable semantics so that they can serve as interface components of intelligent information systems. Other topics of interest are how biomedical ontologies can be used to provide semantic consistency and the role ontologies can play in making interfaces more useful and usable.

Dr. Clarkson also has interests in (a) teaching communication skills to scientists and engineers (including data visualization, poster design, presentation design), (b) responsible conduct of research, (c) ethical, legal, and social issues in biomedical informatics, and (d) safety and transparency in the healthcare system.

Selected Publications

  • MD Clarkson. 2016. Representation of anatomy in online atlases and databases: A survey and collection of patterns for interface design. BMC Developmental Biology, 16:18.
  • MD Clarkson. Representation of parts within the Foundational Model of Anatomy ontology. ICBO 2016. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies. August 1–4, 2016. Corvallis, OR.
  • KH Wang, CL Heike, MD Clarkson, JLV Mejino, JF Brinkley, RW Tse, CB Brigfeld, DA Fitzsimons, TC Cox. 2014. Evaluation and integration of disparate classification systems for clefts of the lip. Frontiers in Physiology 5: 163.