Profile picture for user jlha365

Jonathan Harper, MD


  • GME Resident

College Unit(s)

Biography and Education

Learner Information

Why did you choose the University of Kentucky?

At the University of Kentucky there is great coverage of several different hospitals which gives residents the ability to see and treat a wide array of patients from all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds.

What are your hobbies?

My current hobbies include trying new recipes, going for hikes with my wife and dog and playing recreation soccer.


 I grew up in a small town in central Pennsylvania that gave me a strong sense of community. Growing up I always wanted to have a career in medicine to give back to my community in a meaningful way. I chose otolaryngology because of my interest in the uniqueness of pathologies of the head and neck as well as the wide array of surgical techniques ranging from drilling under a microscope to using lasers to reconstruction with tissue flaps.


Current Year: PGY-5
University of Pittsburgh. Indiana University School of Medicine
Hometown: Jonestown, PA