Profile picture for user akchak2

Amit Chakraborty



  • Medical Student Leader - Winkler Laboratory
Other Affiliation(s)
  • CardioVascular Imaging Research Team

Biography and Education


Amit is a fourth year medical student who leads other students in clinical research in the lab. His current research interests include the pericardium, effects of contrast administration site on imaging quality, and left vertebral artery anomalies. He is also heavily invested in medical education and academic radiology. He helped found and currently leads the Junior Researchers along with other members of the CVIRT and the Lexington-Fayette NAACP.


The Junior Researchers mentorship program is helping Bryan Station High School students gain valuble experience in research and medicine. The ultimate goal of the program is help students graduate and purse a doctoral degree by utilizing the network of professionals that are dedicated to helping them.


Current Year: M3