'UK at the Half': Learn About Markey's SHE in Oncology Program
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 17. 2021) — For this "UK at the Half," Nathan Vanderford, Ph.D., assistant professor of toxicology and cancer biology in the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, and current UK freshman Kylie Compton discuss the UK Markey Cancer Center's recently launched Summer HealthCare Experience (SHE) in Oncology program, aimed at empowering high school girls throughout Kentucky to learn more about the field of cancer medicine and research.
Funded by the American Cancer Society, SHE in Oncology offers experiences, activities and discussions to help introduce teen girls to the wide range of career and leadership opportunities in oncology. The program is open to students who identify as female in 10th through 12th grades in any Kentucky high school. The program aims to support young women who are underrepresented in the sciences, including teens of a racial or ethnic minority, from low-income households, living with a disability, or who are first-generation college-bound.
"UK at the Half" airs during halftime of each UK football and basketball game broadcast on radio and is hosted by UK Public Relations and Marketing. To hear the "UK at the Half" interview, click on the play button above.
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