UK AHEC Accepting Applications for 2014 Summer Enrichment Camps
The University of Kentucky Area Health Education Center (AHEC) is now accepting applications for the 2014 Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) and Health Researchers Youth Academy (HRYA), two health career summer camps hosted annually each summer. The deadline to apply for this year's programs is Friday, March 14, 2014.
These residential camps are designed to help students enrich their knowledge of health and health career options, giving them hands-on experience in a college setting, coupled with the opportunity to live and learn in a university residence hall, all while focusing on helping them understand the kind of academic preparation needed to successfully pursue these options.
Depending on the specific camp, other activities may include presentations from faculty, staff and practitioners across the region, lectures and weekly clinical shadowing rotations with practicing health-care professionals. Academic courses in chemistry, biology, mathematics or physiology are also included. These courses are taught by instructors hired and supervised by the camp administration.
"For students, SEP and HRYA camps are a tremendous opportunity to learn more about health careers of all types, and to be exposed to the college and campus experience," said Chris Johnson, associate AHEC administrator and director of the summer camp programming. "These camps offer students the unique experience of health careers in a college setting that will help prepare them for college and beyond, all while meeting students with similar interests from all around the state of Kentucky.” The camps also provide opportunities for social and other professional development, with a little fun mixed in.
Both camps are free of charge to those chosen to participate (housing, meals and materials are provided). The camps are open to any current high school sophomore or junior residing in Kentucky. Current high school sophomores may apply only to participate in the SEP program. Current high school juniors are eligible to apply only for HYRA.
For more information, including additional application guidelines, frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) and a link to the online camp registration site, visit the AHEC website at and click on the "Summer Health Careers Camps" link at the bottom of page. Interested parents and students wishing to submit an application can visit the online application page directly at
Please direct questions regarding the program and application process, to Emily Chambers at 859-323-8013 or
The Area Health Education Center program is a collaborative effort between the University of Louisville Health Sciences Center and the University of Kentucky. For more information about the AHEC program, please visit or
Media Contact: Kristi Lopez, 859-323-6363.