Change in the NIH Continuous Submission Policy

Notice Number: NOT-OD-14-028

Key Dates Release Date: December 4, 2013

Related Announcements NOT-OD-11-093 NOT-OD-09-155

Issued by National Institutes of Health (NIH)


This notice serves to update the NIH policy on continuous submission (see NOT-OD-11-093, NOT-OD-09-155, and related notices). Continuous submission eligibility for appointed members of Chartered standing NIH Study Sections, NIH Boards of Scientific Counselors, NIH Advisory Boards or Councils, NIH Program Advisory Committees, and reviewers with recent substantial service has not changed.

Policy Review Schedule Starting with grant applications (R01, R21, and R34) submitted under the continuous submission option for the 2014/10 council round:

  • Applications will be initially assigned to the most appropriate Advisory Council meeting (see below).  Following initial peer review, if timing permits, applications may be considered in an earlier Advisory Council meeting.
  • Summary Statements for applications submitted under the continuous submission option will be available no later than 30 days prior to the relevant Advisory Council meeting.

Schedule for Initial Assignment to Advisory Council Rounds


Application Receipt Period

Assigned  Council Round

Non-AIDS applications

AIDS applications


August 17 - December 16

October 8 - February 7


December 17 - April 16

February 8 - June 7


April 17 - August 16

June 8 - October 7

The continuous submission option does not apply to grant applications submitted in the following situations:

  • Applications from Project Directors/Principal Investigators (PDs/PIs) or multiple PDs/PIs (MPI) who are eligible for continuous submission but wish to request an assignment to a specific study section. These applications are expected to conform to regular submission deadlines and the late window of consideration for members applies (NOT-OD-11-035) to these applications.
  • Applications from temporary or ad hoc members who have not contributed recent substantial review service.  Temporary or ad hoc members who are not eligible for continuous submission are eligible for the late submission window as described in the Guide Notice “NIH Policy on Late Submission Grant Applications” (NOT-OD-11-035).
  • Applications for which the eligible members have roles other than PD/PI or MPI.
  • Applications from individuals who serve as appointed advisors or ad hoc reviewers or advisors for other Federal agencies or for private organizations.
  • Applications submitted in response to Requests for Applications (RFAs).
  • Applications submitted in response to PARs with non-standard receipt dates.

All other requirements specified in NOT-OD-08-026, NOT-OD-09-114, NOT-OD-09-155, NOT-OD-10-090 and NOT-OD-11-035 remain in effect.


Frequently Asked Questions and answers have been prepared (see ). Any remaining issues/appeals may be directed to a NIH Continuous Submission Committee by emailing