Leslie Nelson, DO, 2nd year Radiology Resident to attend Introduction to Academic Radiology Program
Please join us in congratulating Leslie Nelson, DO, 2nd year Radiology Resident for her acceptance into the “Introduction to Academic Radiology Program”. Dr. Nelson joins the growing list of former University of Kentucky Radiology Residents accepted into this prestigious program. That list includes: Han Qiong, PhD, MD, Harit Kapoor, MD and Mauro Hanaoka, MD.
The program, co-sponsored by RSNA and ARRS, includes 15 hours of didactic lectures, panel discussion and small group interactions that introduce residents to academic radiology and give valuable insight into important topics such as designing and planning clinical research, preparing a manuscript, comparative effectiveness research, career development and machine learning in radiology. Dr. Nelson has been mentored by Dr. Aman Khurana with whom she has already published several articles. Her future plans include “further development of my research skills and succeeding in my clinical work throughout residency. After residency, I intend to complete an abdominal imagining fellowship to gain additional in-depth training. I plan to continue to mentor and teach medical students so they can learn the importance of imaging. I hope to do this all while becoming the best possible radiologist I can be for my patients and clinical colleagues.”
Dr Nelson will attend the ITAR program at the ARRS 2021 Annual Meeting.
To learn more about the program https://www.rsna.org/en/education/workshops/introduction-to academic-radiology
Pickhardt, P.J., Nelson, L.W. Acute non-traumatic abdominal pain by quadrant: relative yield of CT and clinical evaluation for diagnosis in 1000 patients. Abdom Radiol 44, 2963–2970 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00261-019-02064-6
Khurana, A., Nelson, L.W., Myers, C.B. et al. Reporting of acute pancreatitis by radiologists-time for a systematic change with structured reporting template. Abdom Radiol 45, 1277–1289 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00261-020-02468-9
Nelson, L.W., Myers, C.B, Khurana, A. Hydrogen peroxide ingestion. RSNA Case Files. https://doi.org/10.1148/cases.20202956
Nelson, L.W., Dawkins, A.A., Chapelin, F., Gulati, V., Stepp, A. Khurana, A. Interobserver agreement between primary sonographers and secondary over-readers for surveillance liver ultrasound using LI-RADS. RSNA 2020 Scientific Paper Presentation.
Nelson, L.W., Ganesh, H.S., Dawkins, A.A. Radiology’s FOCUS on POCUS – A Quality Improvement Mission. RSNA 2020 Quality Improvement Report.