[A letter from UK Human Resources]

Dear Colleagues,

The safety and wellbeing of our campus community is and always will be top priority. This includes younger workers employed during the summer months and throughout the year. As a reminder, University policy permits hiring only persons who are 18 years of age and older in regular full-time staff positions. During the summer months, some persons between the ages of 14 and 17 may be hired for temporary jobs.

Below, I have included a number of guidelines and resources of which UK hiring managers should be aware. [Note: Any department hiring minors independently of HR STEPS Temporary Employment is solely responsible for the recordkeeping requirements highlighted in #5 below.] 

University and Regulatory Guidelines Related to Employment of Minors 

1.      Please read Human Resources Policy and Procedure Number 16.0: Employment of Minors to ensure compliance within your area of responsibility.

2.      University policy does not allow anyone under the age of 14 to be hired.

3.      State and federal law mandates that persons ages 14-15 and ages 16-17 have distinct limitations on types of jobs and on the number of hours and times during the day when they may work. You may review Kentucky guidelines, including limitations for minors under age 17, by clicking here http://labor.ky.gov/dows/doesam/kcll/Pages/Child-Labor-Law.aspx

4.      Please ensure anyone in your area who might supervise persons ages 14 to 17 reviews this information. You may also visit the U.S. Department of Labor web site http://www.youthrules.dol.gov/index.htm for federal guidelines related to employment of minors.

5.      Generally, UK departments will hire employees age 14-17 through the HR STEPS Temporary Employment office. STEPS employees between ages 14 and 17 are given a copy of the guidelines mentioned above. For employees under age 18 hired through STEPS, our Temporary Employment Staff will address state requirements related to child labor, including:

  • Compiling a register of all employed minors' names, ages, and addresses, along with schedules each minor is supposed to work each week.
  • Maintaining a detailed record of actual hours worked by employees each day, including beginning and ending of shift, as well as time taken for meals. This information is captured on timesheets centrally maintained by STEPS.
  • Posting the Kentucky child labor laws (KRS 339.210-339.450) and a list of duties minors are prohibited from performing.
  • Providing these records for inspection at all times by school directors, probation officers and representatives of the Kentucky Labor cabinet (KRS 339.400).

6.      Any violation of these guidelines is a serious offense. We appreciate the assistance of hiring departments in ensuring compliance.

7.      For minors working in Research Laboratories and Animal Facilities, Environmental Health and Safety has developed policies and procedures to minimize the risk to minors working in these areas.  You may review the OHS information here, http://ehs.uky.edu/ohs/minors_0001.php

Questions about the employment of persons ages 14 to 17 should be directed to: Marty Jacks, STEPS  Temporary Employment Supervisor, at (859) 257-9561 or marty.jacks@uky.edu.  



Marty Jacks
STEPS Temporary Employment Supervisor