This year, Hunter N.B. Moseley, PhD, was promoted to professor with tenure in the UK College of Medicine Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. He shares the pivotal moments of mentorship that have helped him move forward in his career, as well as advice he has for early-career faculty and trainees in research.


Q: What is your specialty/area of expertise, and why did you choose it?

A: My area of expertise is bioinformatics, computational biology, and systems biology. 

I chose this direction when I was in undergrad and decided that I wanted to apply computer science and mathematics to other areas of science.

Q: Can you describe a moment when exceptional mentorship helped you achieve a career goal?

A: I asked my undergraduate computer science professor, Anthony Carlisle, PhD, whether I should pursue a graduate degree in computer science or another area of science. He told me that I was already a competent programmer and that I should focus on learning my problem domain. Based on his advice, I pursued and finished my PhD in biochemistry. It was one of the best pieces of advice given to me about pursuing a multidisciplinary career.

Q: You were recently promoted. How did the UK College of Medicine help you in that process?

A: Michael Rowland, PhD, arranged a wide set of faculty development seminars and workshops that have had real value.

Q: What are your career goals?

A: Do the best research possible, publish it, and maintain federal grant funding. Also, provide the best training and mentorship possible to students and staff within our lab’s research environment. I plan to do this as long as I am capable.

Q: What advice do you have for trainees and early-career faculty interested in pursuing medicine and/or research as a career?

A: Keep learning as much as you can at each level of your career. Also, don’t let a poor course color your opinion of the knowledge area being taught. Overcome the course and/or instructor and learn the knowledge area well. Play an active role in making the most of your education.

If you are required to manage others, then actively learn how to manage others well through workshops, courses, and textbooks. If you manage others poorly, you will make their lives a living hell.  So, DO NOT manage others poorly! You have an ethical and moral obligation to manage them well.