Danielle Walsh, MD, professor of surgery, was recently selected as a new fellow of the International Surgical Society (ISS). Dr. Walsh was one of eight surgeons selected worldwide for this prestigious fellowship, and the only woman among this year’s inductees. 

Dr. Walsh was inducted by Malaysian breast surgeon Chang-Yar Hip, MD, the current, and notably the first female, president of the International Surgical Society.

She was formally inducted during the organization's International Surgery Week and World's Congress of Surgery, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in late August. During the event, Dr. Walsh was also invited to speak on Digital Health in Surgery on behalf of the Association of Women Surgeons, of which she formerly served as president. 

She also had the opportunity to present two quality projects on trauma care from the division of pediatric surgery. “During those presentations, we had a robust discussion with trauma surgeons from developing countries on how to implement similar pathways in low-resource and remote care settings to improve outcomes,” she shared. 

Dr. Walsh serves as the vice chair of quality and process improvement within the department of surgery. 


More information about ISS Fellowship:  
The International Society of Surgery created the Fellowship of the International Society of Surgery to provide recognition for surgeons and anesthetists meeting the highest surgical and professional standards to which we aspire. It admits to its fellowship only those whose professional activity is devoted to practice excellence, and who agree, without compromise, to practice by the professional and ethical standards of the ISS.