Dobbs Publishes "Psychiatric Manifestations of Neurotoxins"
Dr. Michael R. Dobbs, associate professor and interim chair of the University of Kentucky College of Medicine's Department of Neurology and director of the UK HealthCare/Norton Healthcare Stroke Network, has edited and published the latest edition of "Psychiatric Clinics of North America" titled “Psychiatric Manifestations of Neurotoxins.”
Building on work that he had done with co-editor Dan Rusyniak of Indiana University for Neurologic Clinics, this compilation addresses cognitive and behavioral aspects of neurotoxic exposures.
Dobbs, one of only a handful of neurologists in the world with specialty expertise in clinical neurotoxicology, has previously published through Elsevier/Saunders the reference text, "Clinical Neurotoxicology: Syndromes, Substances, Environments," which has become the leading book in the field. He has also published several journal articles and book chapters on clinical neurotoxicology and two editions of "Neurologic Clinics" devoted to neurotoxicology.