The Students Participating as Ambassadors for Research in Kentucky (SPARK) Program is a dynamic collaboration between the Center for Health Equity Transformation (CHET) the Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS), the Neuroscience, UNITE, and Diabetes & Obesity Research Priority Areas, and Aetna Better Health of Kentucky. You can read more about the program here: This call for applications is specifically for undergraduate students in the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment to engage in an exciting project within the CAFÉ Department of Community and Leadership Development funded by a Gatton Challenge Grant. 

For this special SPARK fellowship, students will work with faculty, graduate students, and staff to do qualitative/archival research learning about how Cooperative Extension has worked to support individual, family, community, and environmental health thus far. The selected student will also have an opportunity to conduct their own independent research project connected to the larger Cooperative Extension project. The independent research project may include topics such as: the role of horses in One Health Extension and community engagement approaches, etc.   

Participants will also be introduced to community- engaged research focused on health disparities/health equity and receive extensive mentorship. The selected student will continue refining the focus of their Cooperative Extension related project, and students will work with their mentorship team to further develop and implement the project. Students will conduct this project in their home communities over the summer, receiving funds to support this research. After implementing the project, participants will meet with their mentors, undertake data analysis and write-up, and present and publish their research in professional settings. 

Learn more and apply here.