Center on Trauma and Children Moves to College of Medicine
The Center on Trauma and Children (CTAC) has moved to the College of Medicine to facilitate and enhance the translational research activities of the center.
CTAC is dedicated to the enhancement of the health and well-being of children and their families through research, service and dissemination of information about child abuse and trauma.
"We are excited about the opportunities at the College of Medicine to work in an interdisciplinary setting and pursue our goal of improving the lives of children and families affected by trauma," said Ginny Sprang, executive director of CTAC.
More than three million children in the United States are impacted by traumatic events each year. Research shows that multiple factors increase the likelihood of trauma exposure including poverty, stress, depression, natural disasters and substance abuse. Each child - whether they experience neglect, injury or violence - is profoundly altered as a result.
At CTAC, pediatricians, child psychiatrists, social workers and psychologists work together to make a difference through research and clinical programming, resulting in demonstrably effective outcomes. CTAC uses an interdisciplinary approach to create a dialogue between researchers and clinicians.
The Center’s primary mission is to develop, assimilate and disseminate knowledge and best practices that will contribute to reducing and ending violence against children and the effects of violence and trauma exposure across the life cycle. The Center’s dissemination of evidence-based knowledge extends to health and behavioral health organizations, systems of protection and care, as well as individual provider level interventions.
Other CTAC activities include:
Clinical research on children who have experienced and witnessed violence and trauma
Epidemiological research on the incidence and prevalence of violence against children and its consequences to health, mental health and social functioning across the life cycle
Development of evidence-based behavioral health practices with children, families and adults whose lives have been affected by violence
Clinical practice including assessment and treatment of children and family members who have been affected by violence
Conducting behavioral health services outcome research among children, families and adults whose lives have been affected by child maltreatment and its consequences to health, mental health and social functioning
CTAC is also charged with informing federal, state and regional policies with regard to child maltreatment and trauma effects across the life cycle.
For more information about CTAC, visit their web site at or call 859-543-0078. Questions about CTAC can also be emailed to Sprang at or Adrienne Whitt-Woosley at