Disparities Researchers Equalizing Access for Minorities (DREAM) Scholars Program

The DREAM Scholars Program is two-year professional research mentorship program co-led by CHET, the College of Nursing, and the Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS). The program will bring together under-represented minority graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and junior faculty to enhance their successful transition to becoming independent health equity scholars. DREAM Scholars programming includes writing retreats, presenting works in progress and other research, navigating early career choices, mentorship, and funding for pilot research projects and travel.

The DREAM Scholars Program was developed by former UK College of Nursing faculty member, Dr. Jenna Hatcher, and is currently directed by Dr. Lovoria Williams. For more information contact Dr. Lovoria Williams at lovoria.williams@uky.edu and the DREAM Scholars Program here.

Large group photo with 14 individuals
The DREAM Scholars Program is a collaboration of the CCTS, the UK College of Nursing, and the UK Center for Health Equity Transformation.