Graduate Education

The interdisciplinary certificate, master's pathway, and PhD programs in clinical and translational science (CTS) are designed to establish knowledge-based and skill-based competencies in communication, professionalism, critical thinking, and synthesis of knowledge, planning, management and assessment, and leadership in the following areas: 

  • CTS methods and technologies
  • Scientific knowledge
  • Measurement and statistics
  • Research integrity 
  • Collaboration and team building

To learn more about these programs:

Headshot of Dr. Matthew Bush

Clinicians who are interested in pursuing a career as a clinician-scientist should strongly consider formal training such as the PhD program in Clinical and Translational Science. You need the structure and accountability that a degree p...

Matthew Bush, MD, PhD, MBA
Associate Professor of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery; Vice Chair for Research; 2017 Graduate of the UK PhD Program in Clinical Translational Science