Event Details

Location: Virtual - https://bit.ly/Pryor_Event
Event Category: Lectures
Sponsor: Center for Health Equity Transformation
Speaker: Brandy N. Kelly Pryor, Ph.D.

Additional Event Information

The Power and Paradox of Health Equity as an Approach Tuesday December 8, 2020 11:00am-12:00pm Registration: https://bit.ly/Pryor_Event CHET is pleased to announce the next guest for this year's virtual speaker series, Dr. Brandy N. Kelly Pryor. Dr. Kelly Pryor will give a talk entitled, "The Power and Paradox of Health Equity as an Approach" on December 8th from 11:00am - 12:00pm. Dr. Kelly Pryor operates at the intersection of equity research and practice. She will discuss her efforts to operationalize equity within the public and philanthropic sectors and how research can amplify community-developed equity solutions. Dr. Kelly Pryor is the Senior Director of Programs at the Humana Foundation. Dr. Brandy N. Kelly Pryor joined The Humana Foundation in May 2018 as the Senior Director of Programs. In this role, Dr. Kelly Pryor oversees the Foundation’s strategy, research and impact for the over $14 million dollar research portfolio. She is excited about bringing an ethnographer’s lens to the Foundation, as they seek to co-create solutions leading to greater health equity for all in the Humana Bold Goal communities in which they serve. With expertise in various frameworks of youth development, community based participatory research and advancing equity, Dr. Kelly Pryor’s transdisciplinary research focuses on the perception and performance of hope in marginalized communities; development of domestic and international social policy regarding youth; and the relationship between gender and race/ethnicity in the development of health narratives over the life course. Dr. Kelly Pryor holds a PhD in recreation, park, and tourism sciences with a concentration in youth development, prevention science, and African studies from Texas A&M University. https://www.humanafoundation.org/Foundation/about/staff

Event Images

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